Women Ideal Penis Size

Women Ideal Penis Size - Cover the World. The size of a man's penis is not forever be the benchmark that women will be satisfied in sexual intercourse. The myth that the longer and larger diameter of male penis, the more satisfied female pleasure derived is a false assumption. In fact, the size of a large penis length and can make the vagina becomes stretched and pain in sexual intercourse. Many questions arise how penis size woman's dream? What is the normal penis size

Looking at the phenomenon of male penis size, women should first have to know and understand the types of male penis size. Dr. Harry Disch in his book entitled Size Matters said that generally when erect, the penis of men reaching 5 inches or about 12 cm. This size is not the size of a small penis, this can still be considered normal. Statistically, only about 15% of men who have a 17cm penis size when erect and only 3% were reached 20cm. Disch further said that men who have penis size of less than 7cm called microphallus. 

Women Ideal Penis Size
You do not have to worry if you have a penis size or your partner who has a small size. Many tricks can be done for men who have small penis size. Man's ability to satisfy their partner ditentuan how sensitive men stimulate the muscles of the vagina, not because of its size. Hopefully this article useful for you.

Important Reasons to Drink Water for Body

Important Reasons to Drink Water for Body - Cover the World. Water is a component of the body that play a vital role for the balance of the body. The importance of drinking water by people living in modern times like this, sometimes less attention. In fact, so vital roles held by white water for our bodies. The function of water in our bodies very much at all, between as a solvent, temperature regulator, as a catalyst and provider of fluid electrolyte. Here is the reason water is important for our body

1 Activate brain cells
When a person is dehydrated, the brain cells will shrink. By drinking enough water, the brain cells will remain active also keeps the mind fresh and vibrant body. 

2 Increasing the concentration
The brain has fluid should get adequate intake. If you do not provide sufficient intake, then you will be diminished cognitive function. You will be easily forgotten and decreased concentration. Start diligent in drinking water so that your concentration does not drop. 

3. Brighten skin
Perhaps a third reason is very desirable for women. Water can brighten the skin because it can expedite the flow of blood in the capillaries. 

4 Preventing kidney stones
Lazy people who drink water indirectly letting renal function in the body is slowly damaged. This led to the formation of stones in the kidney. If diligent in drinking water, the water helps the decay of the formation of kidney stones are removed when you urinate. 

So little reason water is important for our body. Drink water at least 8 glasses per day. Do not be lazy to drink water, because the same lazy drinking water let alone your body susceptible to disease and harm your brain. Hopefully this article useful for you.

Heal Impotence with Electric Therapy

Heal Impotence with Electric Therapy - Cover the World. Impotence is a sexual problem most widely owned by men. Impotence problems have made ​​him confused and busy looking for a way out. There is good news coming from Israel, that there was a discovery of therapies that can cure impotence. This therapy called electrical therapy. Suspected that this electrical therapy can replace the role of the blue pill (Viagra or Cialis) to cure impotence

Not impossible that this electrical therapy can replace the role of viagra and cialis. Because the medicine of the Rambam Medical Center Haifa, Israel, has conducted trials of this electrical therapy. So far, this electrical therapy had a positive effect than a blue pill that is only able to survive shortly after taking the blue pill. 

Israeli medical experiments conducted on animals are performed. electrical waves generated from electrical therapy, indicating the formation of new blood vessels in the existing blood vessels yag. It turns out that almost 80% of the cause of impotence is poor blood flow to the male sex organs. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

Excessive Eating Affects Mineral Fatal

Excessive Eating Affects Mineral Fatal – Cover The World. Minerals are very needed by the body. But what happens if you eat in a mineral overdose? Consuming excessive mineral is rare if you get it from natural materials. Usually this happens when you start taking supplements consumed in the long run. Here is the danger caused by the excessive consumption of minerals

1 Iron
If you consume more than 25 mg iron / day, then you will experience fatigue, headaches, heart muscle damage, liver damage, pancreas, nausea, and poisoning in children. 

2 Phosphorus
If you consume more than 3000mg / day of phosphorus, then your body will have difficulty digesting calcium. 

3 Iodine
If you consume more than 2 mg / day of iodine can make your hair and dry skin, diarrhea, shortness of breath, rash appears, until the excessive menstruation. 

4 Calcium
If you consume more than 2000mg / day of calcium, then you will experience liver dysfunction, urinary tract disorders, to constipation. 

5. Sodium
If you consume more than 2300 mg / day of sodium, it will result in muscle cramps, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, to osteoporosis. 

In consume minerals, it would be nice not to overdo it. Plus, if you consume these minerals from supplements consumed in the long run. Switch to natural ingredients to maintain the balance of your body. Hopefully this article useful for you.

Porn Movies for Sex Therapy

Porn Movies for Sex Therapy – Cover The World. Pornographic film is one of a therapy for couples who have difficulty in eliciting lust when they want to have sex with her ​​partner. Pornographic film can also be a place for the couple to eliminate boredom of her partner in sexual intercourse. There are studies that say that about 62% who claimed that more excited after watching porn for sexual activity to their partner.

Dr. Bambang Soekamto of On Clinic Indonesia, has confirmed that the sex therapy porn movies can stimulate lust. Saturation arising from the pair will be lost with the technique, style, and variation in sex that may be referenced in sexual intercourse. Many sexual problems experienced by men and women in the western hemisphere there, also do sex therapy with this method as well. 

Indeed, any sexual problems experienced by married couples can be resolved by communicating with a partner. Sex therapy with porn this is only one sex therapy that can be done to help couples overcome sexual problems they experienced. Hopefully this review useful for those who read it.

Natural Ingridients to Remove Acne

Natural Ingridients to Remove Acne – Cover The World. Acne is a classic problem that many people face first in the teens. Many acne cures that appear on the market and tempt the acne sufferers is to buy acne products. But there are other natural ingredients eliminate acne. Acne products are not necessarily safe. Here are the natural ingredients to remove acne

1. Orange and lemon skin
Orange peel is beneficial to lift dirt and residue. The trick is pounded orange peel and puree, add water to a paste and apply a to the breakouts. Wait 10 minutes and rinse.

2. Cucumber
Cucumbers that contain antioxidants can cool the skin. The trick is then oles grated cucumber on top of the pimple. Wait 20 minutes then rinse.

3. Papaya Fruit
Papaya fruit also can make skin more radiant. The trick is papaya puree with blender and then apply on the face of acne. Leave it for 20 minutes then rinse.

4. Egg yolks
Yolk useful for facial treatments. How, separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Then apply a to the face. Wait until dry and then rinse with warm water. 

So few natural ingredients to remove acne. Natural ingredients acne remover is certainly safer than other acne products distributed in the market. Hopefully this information useful for you who want to remove acne that you are experiencing. Have fun!

Avoiding Affair It's Easy

Avoiding Affair It's Easy – Cover The World. Boredom is suppose to be the start of an intention affair. Affair is considered as a way to vent the hearts that have been disappointed to couples seeking to have a relationship. So many people are difficult to avoid affair. In fact, to avoid affair it is not too difficult. Here are tips to avoid affair that you can live.

1 Do not vent your coworkers to the opposite gender
Most seeds of love arise from the presence of a vent from a friend of the opposite sex. You should be able to withstand or deny if there is a friend of the opposite sex to confide to you. 

2 Do not seduction to seduce and engage the opposite gender
At first it may just kidding. However, be careful if this is an early feature of the affair.

3 Display family photos or your spouse
This step will make you remember that there are children out there and your wife who loves you.

4 Wear decent clothes
Avoid eye-catching clothes. Use clothing that is reasonable so as not to be a material concern coworkers.

Affair is a relationship that is not helpful. You'll want to avoid affair. Hopefully with these tips you are more able to avoid affair. Prioritizing family and the integrity of the relationship with your partner.

Vegetables Pressure Hypertension

Vegetables Pressure Hypertension – Cover The World. If you are a patient of hypertension or high blood pressure, you do not need to worry. Apparently there are some vegetables that can reduce hypertension. The following vegetables is effective in reducing hypertension. In addition, these vegetables can also be easily found around us. Here are vegetables reduce hypertension.

1 Carrot
Carrots are considered able to reduce hypertension because it contains beta-carotene and potassium, which can provide benefits in renal and cardiac function. For those of you who both impaired function of these organs, should multiply eat vegetables.

2 Celery
Celery also contains potassium just like carrots. However, there are other compounds in celery that phthalide able to increase the rate of blood flow and relaxes the arterial wall. In addition, the compound also can relieve stress triggers hormones that can lead to hypertension.

3. Spinach
Not wrong like Popeye with spinach. Spinach contains magnesium which serves as the controller and lowering blood pressure is high. Eat spinach regularly to increase blood flow. 

Such reviews of vegetables reduce hypertension. Vegetables are able to reduce hypertension you may be experiencing. Prevention is better than cure. While hypertension has not been attacked, consume these vegetables so that your body is always healthy and ready to move.

Increase Passion Sex with Vitamin E

Increase Passion Sex with Vitamin E – Cover The World. In undergoing sexual life, the most important thing that underlying the person's ability to have sex is physical strength. Especially if strong physical plus the ability to control emotions, then either the man or woman who had sexual intercourse can achieve the desired satisfaction. Of various vitamins, vitamin E apparently serves to increase desire to make love. Indeed, in addition to vitamin E, other vitamins that can improve desire to make love, call it vitamin A and vitamin C.

The function of a person's sexual organs was influenced by the presence of antioxidants. The higher antioxidant in the body, then the person's sexual organs also function. Antioxidants are easily found in foods that contain vitamin A, C, and E. But later revealed that vitamin E is able to carry oxygenated blood flow into the penis during erection. The function of vitamin E in this case is keep the blood rich with oxygen. With so sexual organ function can work well.

It is rather difficult to find foods that contain vitamin E, but most are not taking supplements containing vitamin would be better with an appropriate dose. Similarly, a review of the benefits of vitamin E in improving desire to make love. It turns out that vitamin E has the ability to maintain sexual organs function properly. Hopefully this article useful for those who read it.

Reasons Why You Should Napping

Reasons Why You Should Napping – Cover The World. If you include people who rarely take a nap, you'd better think twice after reading this article. Nap has many health benefits for your body and mind. You must quibble and say do not have time to take a nap because of busy work, is not it? It was not groundless, because you only took 10 minutes to feel the benefits of napping. Here are the reasons why you should take a nap

1 Improve Concentration and Brain Power
Research from NASA says that pilots who took a nap for 40 minutes to have a high concentration of power in his work. In addition it also affects the quality of nap during the person's cognitive abilities. A study in Australia says that a person who during the 90 minute nap can boost brain power. The quality of nap is considered capable of eliminating psychological fatigue.

2 Enhancing Creativity and Productivity
Many experts have discovered the reason why more people are finding inspiration after a nap. This is because the right brain is the control of the imagination has been rested and able to return to work. For employees, nap is not a sign of laziness. It can improve employee productivity compared to drinking a cup of coffee.

3 Improve Morale and Stress Relief
If you are too late, tired and less enthusiastic, take the time to try a short nap. You will be re-energized because your mind will feel more refreshed and more confident in carrying out activities.

So a few reasons why you should take a nap. It turns out that the benefits of napping very useful for the body. The quality of a good nap also must be considered. But at least, in your busy life, take a moment to take a nap even though only 15 minutes.

Obesity Dangerous For Sexual Life

Obesity Dangerous For Sexual Life – Cover The World. In many cases, it turns out obesity also affects the ability to play on the bed. Dangers of obesity also impact on sexual performance. This may also be something to do with the dangers of obesity to health that led to the sexual performance of obese person.

In a study Obesity Society in Vancouver, Canada, suggests that people who are obese then trying to lose weight have a better sexual life. This is not independent because the body is also more healthy than when obese. Another study conducted Diet and Fitness Center in Durham also said similar things. It is said that people who were obese had a bad sexual life.

Based on the above two studies, it can be concluded that the dangers of obesity affects the sexual life. People who are obese, on average, have a poor sexual performance, although not all obese people experience it. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle should be applied since this time. Hopefully this article can provide benefits for those who read it.

Importance of Fiber For Body

Importance of Fiber For Body – Cover The WorldSociety in general only know some of the benefits of fiber for the body. Some of the benefits of fiber are already known to the general public is to aid digestion in the body and can also cope with all kinds of illnesses. Apparently, the benefits of fiber are not only limited to that. Here the importance of fiber for the body and it turns out there are several benefits of fiber are not yet known. 

1 Maintain Intestinal Health
Many of the news circulating in the community, that consume fiber will break down the risk of colon cancer. Indeed, there has been no research on this, but at least fibrous foods to maintain a healthy intestine so digestion becomes smooth. 

2 Adding Ability to Survive
The benefits of fiber in one you may not know. If you consume at least 14 grams in 1000 calories, this will extend the life of you. People who consume fiber as needed will last 9 years longer than those who do not eat them. 

3 Prevent Diabetes
It turns out that fiber food also play a role in slowing the absorption of sugar in the body. It maybe to prevent diabetes to attack you. 

4 Smooth Digestion Process
This may benefit you already know. Consuming fiber will make your bowel movements smooth. Perhaps you are now experiencing constipation it because you do not eat fiber foods

5. Reduce Potential Heart Disease
If you are consume fiber regularly, from a study says that fiber can reduce the potential for heart attacks. In addition, fiber can also lower cholesterol and accelerates wound healing.

6 Suitable for Diet Programs
For those of you who are undergoing a diet program to lose weight, fiber foods provide satiety long. Therefore, fiber foods is very suitable for you who are undergoing a diet program. 

Thus information about the importance of fiber for the body. Benefits of fiber for the body it very much. Hopefully this article can give useful information for you. Remember, "health care is expensive!"

Turn Women Can Early Ejaculation

Turn Women Can Early Ejaculation – Cover The World. Early ejaculation is a problem that generally affects men. May have been many definitions of early ejaculation that you already understand. However, did you know that apparently women can also early ejaculation? Some women experience early ejaculation before reaching orgasm. Many factors that cause early ejaculation women, one of which is stimulation of the G-Spot area. 

Early ejaculation occurs when the fluid women out of the vagina. Discharge is the result of vaginal stimulation received. It is rather difficult to detect. You try to put a tissue or cloth around the vagina when intercourse, then see if the fluid of the G-spot or urine. Early ejaculation fluid pass through the urinary tract, so as to distinguish it needs to be examined more closely. The smell of early ejaculation fluid is not the same as the smell of urine in general. Women who experience early ejaculation usually have a high libido. Women who receive little stimulation can directly experience early ejaculation because the G-spot stimulation can distribute easily. 

The best thing to overcome early ejaculation woman is communicating with a partner. The embarrassment should be avoided to solve the problem of early ejaculation woman. Hopefully this article can benefit you and your partner. Remember, "have sex with a partner who has been authorized and legitimate!"

Abhimanyu The Young Knight

Abhimanyu The Young KnightAbhimanyu or that the Java community is known as the son of Arjuna Angkawidjaja who marries Subhadra (Sembadra). Abhimanyu known as youth who have perseverance in defending the truth. Blood Arjuna as a true knight declined to Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu was very close to her cousin, Ghatotkacha.

In Bharatayudha war, Abhimanyu figures on the side of his father. He became commander of the Pandava war and managed to kill the son of Duryudana, Lesmanamandrakumara. Abhimanyu is known to have two wives. His first wife was named Siti Sendari who later gave birth to the new king Parikshit as in Hastinapur. Abhimanyu is Uttari second wife who was the daughter of the king Mastya, Virata kingdom. Abhimanyu end of life can be said with a tragic ending. He was trapped in a cordon of soldiers Hastinapur, which is then destroyed her body with a variety of weapons. He cunningly killed by the Kauravas. In the Java version, titled Abhimanyu's death 'Ranjapan Abhimanyu'.

Abhimanyu leaders inspire us together. A young man should not be afraid to face any situation. Abhimanyu the young knight gave a lesson that every choice has risks. And every risk must be faced with courage. Hopefully Abhimanyu figures can provide benefits for youth.

Ghatotkacha The Giant Warrior

Ghatotkacha The Giant Warrior. In the Mahabharata, Ghatotkacha was told that the son of Bhima who married Hidimbi or commonly known as Arimbi. Ghatotkacha is a knight who does not work with a variety of weapons. In the Java version, Ghatotkacha immunity against weapons because when he put the baby in the crater Candradimuka.

Ghatotkacha figure in the Java version is described as someone who could flyGhatotkacha figures between the Indian version and the version of Java is both a knight of the giant nation. In war Bharatayudha, Ghatotkacha who became general of the Pandava war, managed to take a lot of casualties of soldiers Kauravas and create confusion Kauravas. Finally, Karna who has managed to make a weapon Konta Ghatotkacha died. Ghatotkacha Bharatayudha fall on the battlefield as warriors who are willing to sacrifice for the glory of the Pandavas.

Regardless of courage Ghatotkacha figures, there are properties that can be drawn from these figures. Physical appearance and the home environment does not reflect Ghatotkacha good attitude. Nanun, Ghatotkacha give lessons as a warrior nation that he rakasasa also has a character value that can be emulated. Hopefully a little review of Ghatotkacha which is knight this giant nation can provide lessons for us all.

This is How to Add Most Effective Weight Gain

This is How to Add Most Effective Weight Gain. Lot of people are complaining because the weight does not match what was expected. This mostly happens to people who have more weight than the ideal standard. However, in contrast to thin people who want to strive to add weight to look a little fuller. Comes to a question, is there any way to gain weight in a way that is safe and effective? To answer that question, this paper will provide a way to gain weight the most effective that you can apply. 

1. Adding Calories
Men need 2200 calories per day for a long while women need 1900 calories. At the very least, add 1000 calories per day and within a week your weight will increase a pound in one week. The trick, you can add more frequencies you eat two or three times that of the previous frequency. 

2. Must Selecting Food
Consumption of fruit juice and two glasses of milk per day. Choose vegetables such as potatoes, corn, radishes and peas. To be selected fruit such as apples, pears, and bananas. Eating soup containing cream. Cooking with coconut oil, olive oil and butter in your cooking. 

3. Stop Fast Food
Fast foods have high calories and contain bad fats. So you have to reduce even avoid from now. 

4. Sports
Regularity in exercise will accelerate your metabolism and stimulates appetite. 

5. Consumption of High Protein Food
Foods such as tuna, chicken breast, and other seafood have a protein content results. Protein plays a role repairing and building muscle tissue. 

6. Water White
Consumption of water at least 8 glasses a day is very important because it serves as the energy that will be converted in weight gain. 

7. Resting and Supplements
Adequate rest and avoid staying up is necessary due to the recovery of stamina. Recovery would be better if coupled with supleman so stamina is not easily tired. 

Those are some ways to gain weight the most effective that you can apply. Getting the ideal weight is the dream of every person. Hopefully these tips useful for you. Good luck and do not give up.

Come Try Sensation Water Sex

Come Try Sensation Water Sex. Variations in sexual intercourse was probably the most rare variation of husband and wife. Yes, because this sex variation requires a readiness to wet together. Why is that? Because of this variation is closely associated with water and do the bathroom. For those of you who are interested and want to try out the sensation of water sex, it never hurts to follow the following tips. 

First, do foreplay in a dry place, such as in the living room, dining room, or even in the living room. Do not forget, give your partner stimuli with words intimate passion. Then go into the bathroom, turn off the lights and turn on the lights dim candle or as an addition suasanya favors. Turn on the water and start the action. At the very least, you've set up a sponge and soap that has a fragrant aroma and then saponifiable to your partner. Begin scrubbing from the back, down the buttocks, then to the feet, hands, neck, breast and vaginal swab last pair you with your hand soap that has been given. After all is finished and you are ready to penetrate, penetrate your liking. You can do it while lying down or standing up. 

In reaching this sensation water sex, required readiness of the couple to be equally willing to do this sex variation. Water sex is one of the possible variations of sex is rarely done by married couples. However, there is no harm if you want to try out the sensation water sex. Hopefully these tips useful for you. "Do sex only with your partner that is valid!"

Cause You Not Being Muscular Body

Cause You Not Being Muscular Body. Muscular Agency is the much coveted by men. Not a few of the men who trained his muscles in order to get the ideal result. However, there are also men who despair after exercise, the body not being muscular. This is caused by several factors triggers. The following will explain the cause of your body not being muscular

1. Not Your Appetite
Keep in mind that thin people have a faster metabolism yag than people in general. Therefore, the need to intake more food than the usual portion. However, keep in mind the nutritional content contained in these foods in order to avoid clumping of fat in the body. 

2. Lazy and Not Consistent
The second cause is the cause of the most experienced to those who are already practicing but does not go get the desired results. At this stage there needs to be a sense of patient, diligent, and consistent in doing muscle building exercises. No one instant in getting an outcome.

3 Many Uncommon Practice Theory
Before performing a muscle-building exercises, of the men searching for the right information with what he wanted. It is not a good look for information, but it would be better if the information collected should be less than practical. It should be understood that to build muscle instead of reading the information, but from practice. 

4. Forgot Measuring Progress
When someone is feeling vain because there is no change, it's because he does not measure the progress that occurs during exercise. Trying noting any changes from what was already trained. Mentally, the change will add a bit of motivation in training to build muscle. 

5. Not Coaching
Coach is like a teacher who gives guidance in practice. At the very least, if you decide not to the gym, you can ask your friends or whoever it is in case you trust to do a consultation about the program you are living. 

Thus the explanation of the cause of your body not being muscular. The need for consistency and patience in forming the muscular body is an absolute must do. Hopefully this article can be useful for those who want to form a muscular body. Good luck and never give up!

Tips Strengthening Erection

Tips Strengthening Erection. Erections for men is a sign of a man would have to satisfy a woman in terms of making out. However, did you know that women actually know that men do not always get an erection. Many men are afraid of the inability to provide satisfaction to her partner. Because of this, here are some tips on establishing an erection that you should try. 

1. Mental Control
Do not ever nervous in sexual activity. The need for confidence in the ability to satisfy a woman needs to be planted in the minds of men. According to Graham Masterton, a sexologist, 60% in the success of the erection is the ability to mentally control. 

2. Consider How To Satisfy Couple
Most of the men is thought that the sex is the way to an erection. It's being a fatal error. In having sex, think about how to please and make your partner more passionate. Ask about which body part must be touched to please. 

3. Mutual Help
Erection problems is not solely fault of men. A woman who will understand the problem and also wants the pleasure that can be achieved in a relationship will certainly help him solve the problem. So, it could still help each other in order to achieve sexual pleasure. 

4. Patient
When the penis begin to tense, thinking the man was in a hurry to put it into the vagina. This is wrong thinking. Try to hold for a while and replace you give another pleasure to your partner. Variations in sexual intercourse and skills are needed to reach a climax in a sexual activity. 

Those are some tips strengthen erections that you can try. The most important thing in sex is the importance of love. Sex is constituted with mutual love will cause a sense of confidence and easier to increase arousal in sexual intercourse. Good tips on strengthening the erection can be useful for you. "Do sex only with your partner that is valid!"

Draupadi The Great Hearts Wife

Draupadi The Great Hearts Wife. Draupadi was a daughter who was born of ceremonies 'Yajna' king Drupada. There are two versions that say about the life of Draupadi. The first version, Draupadi was the wife of the five Pandavas. The second version says that Draupadi is the only wife of Yudhishthira. Apart from the two versions, the wife Draupadi is a symbol of great heart and also a woman who accepts the reality of life.

Character in the original version of the Mahabharata Draupadi marry the five Pandava. From each of the Pandavas, Draupadi gave birth to a child of Yudhishthira Pratiwinda named. Of the Milky Sutasoma named. Of the children born to Arjuna Srutakirti named. Then, of Nakula named Satanika, and the last of this member to be named Srutakama. These five children were given the nickname Pancawala Pandavas. However, in the Javanese wayang, Draupadi marry only Yudishthira This is because polyandry in Islam that spread through puppet media is not a good thing.

Draupadi received live load is not playing. Starting from the Kauravas he humiliated her by strip when the Pandavas lost in playing dice, to join 13-year exile to the forest. Draupadi is a great wife to accept the circumstances. Draupadi is also a symbol of loyalty devotion of a wife to her husband. Hopefully Draupadi figures can provide benefits to our apparent.

Srikandi The Woman Soldier

Srikandi The Woman Soldier. Who is not familiar with this lady knight? Heroine became a symbol of women's strength is in the face of the rigors of life. Not rarely, if Srikandi diidentikan to match the dominance of men over women. For the people of Indonesia, Srikandi also symbolize the courage of women around the show ability in the social world. There are many versions of Srikandi, which will be adopted in this paper is Srikandi more leaning towards Javanese puppet story.

In the Mahabharata story, Srikandi figure is the daughter of king Drupada, king of Panchala. Heroine is a reincarnation of Goddess Amba. Heroine was born to finish his father's revenge for killing Bisma. Goddess Amba who lived before even vindictive to Bisma. In some versions, it was said that Srikandi is a male. But the version that strengthens is Srikandi is a woman who later married to Arjuna. Heroine learn archery from Arjuna. End of life is dying at the hands Srikandi Aswatama who sneak into the tent Srikandi retreat.
Srikandi figure teaches women not to be outdone by the women. Srikandi is a woman soldier. Srikandi motivate women to always want to work and there is no shame in grabbing ambition. Good personality Srikandi figure could be useful for all of us.

World Cup 2014: Match Results Germany vs Argentina

World Cup 2014: Match Results Germany vs Argentina. 2014 soccer world cup this time held in Brazil, South America. The semifinal passed two teams that will compete in the 2014 world cup top party. Germans managed to destroy Brazil in the semifinals with a landslide score 1-7 will meet Argentina who had defeated the Netherlands by penalty shootout. Earlier, the Netherlands beat Brazil and ensuring ranked third in the world cup 2014.

Argentina who believe that there has been no successful team of European champion in Latin American continent, is very excited to serve the German resistance. In the first half both teams still playing cautious. Then in the second half, both teams have started off playing. Be attacking each dish attractive. However, until the end of normal time the score remained 0-0. In extra innings Germany managed to score a goal in 113 minutes through Mario Gotze. The goal is the only goal that occurred in the final world cup 2014. Final score Germany and Argentina are 1-0 to win the German.

With the results of the match Germany vs. Argentina is the new German record the first European team that won the World Cup title in the American continent. This is a four-time champion for Germany. Just like Italy, now in Germany there is a team shirt four stars. World Cup 2018 will be held in Russia.

Drestadyumna The Killer of Drona

Drestadyumna The Killer of Drona. Drestadyumnya is the son of the king of Panchala, Drupada.Drestadyumna born from the holy fire ritual 'Yajna' performed king Drupada. King Drupada ask the gods to be a boy who later would kill Drona and repay vengeance to Drona Drupada own companions. Drestadyumna grow into a great knight and skilled use of various weapons of war.

In war Bharatayudha later, Drestadyumna successfully completed our revenge his father to kill Drona. Figure Drestadyumna successfully cut to Drona in the war. But unfortunately, the behavior does not reflect Drestadyumna knight, because Drestadyumna kill Drona Drona is not completed in time to fight. End of life is so tragic Drestadyumna. He died at the hands Aswatama who secretly sneak into the tent Drestadyumnya retreat.

It's not much of a story told in the Mahabharata Drestadyumna figure. In essence the task Drestadyumnya born into the world is to finish his father's revenge on Drona. Drestadyumnya who killed Drona has a submissive attitude towards older people but has a shady character when killed Drona. Hopefully lessons from Drestadyumnya figure we should take the benefits.

Drupada The Vindictive King

Drupada The Vindictive King. Drupada was the king of a kingdom called Panchala. Drupada was a vengeful king. It has a grudge to Bisma and Drona. It asks the gods for gifted children who can avenge, revenge is. The story also mentioned that after the defeat of the Pandava Drupada, and the government moved to Kamphilya. While the government is led by Aswatama Panchala, the son of Rishi Drona, the Pandava and Kurawa teacher.

Figure Drupada told to have two daughters namely Srikandi and Drupadi. Heroine is an incarnation of Goddess Amba seeking revenge for Bisma refused to marry her. Drupadi is a woman who became the wife of the Pandava. Then, Drupada also had a son named Drestadyumna who later would kill Drona to behead Drona in the war Bharatayudha. In war, Drupada and Pandava side in the end of his life he lost against Drona. In Java, it is his convenient time Drona. Other names of Drupada is Sucitra Arya. And Drupada was known for having a great governor named Gandamana very gratifying to make Drona becomes disabled for life.

Drupada figure is actually a good figure, but due to the nature vindictive not exemplary. However, a sense of love for her children to be subjects. Drupada was the king of vindictive be a lesson that should not be such a leader figure of Drupada. Hopefully the values ​​of Drupada figure gives a lesson for all of us.

World Cup 2014: Match Results Brazil vs Netherlands

World Cup 2014: Match Results Brazil vs Netherlands. 2014 soccer world cup this time held in Brazil, South America. After the match winner in the semi-final has been obtained, the two teams meet each other to get lost third place. Brazil defeated Germany should be met from the Netherlands who lost to Argentina on penalties.

Brazil is acting as the host, determined to save the prestige of the host. Intention to steal a quick goal, Brazil even conceded in the second minute. Robin Van Persie is the first Netherlands scored through penalty spot. Mental Brazilian players who have not been able to rise from the defeat of Germany, the Netherlands successfully utilized. Dutch double his lead through the Daley Blind in the 13th minute. Scores 0-2 to survive until the first half ended. In the second half of Brazil raised the tempo of the game but Brazilian businesses increasingly futile when Georginio Wijnaldum Netherlands scored the third goal in the 90th minute. Brazil and Netherlands final score was 0-3 for Netherlands victory.

With the results of the match Brazil vs Netherlands, then Brazil is only able to finish fourth. Meanwhile Netherlands managed to lock the third rank in world cup 2014. Match world cup final 2014 will bring Germany and Argentina.

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