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Drona The True Teacher

Drona The True Teacher. Drona is one character who is actually the protagonist of the epic Mahabharata. He was the teacher of the Pandavas and Kauravas. Drona figures are a reflection of a teacher who teaches many things to students, it's just the character Drona led to favoritism among students. Favorite disciple of Rishi Drona is Arjuna.

Drona in the Mahabharata epic was a son of Rishi Bharadwaja. He has a wife named Krepi. The results of his marriage to Krepi, Drona had a son named Ashwatthama. Drona has a sense of profound affection to Ashwatthama. Because too unfortunately against the son, to the extent that the kingdom wants his best friend Drona Drupada the order submitted to Ashwatthama. In Javanese wayang story, character Drona has another name that Kumbayana. Resi Drona in the puppet described as someone with a disability because of Drupada got beat by a duke named Gandamana. In Bharatayudha war, Drona sided with the Kauravas to attack the Pandavas. Drona felt indebted because it has got a decent life in Hastinapur. End of life Drona Drupada's son died at the hands of the Drestadyumna.

Drona figure who became the teacher of the Pandavas and Kauravas does have a variety of moral values​​. Drona true teacher gives a whole science to his students without expecting anything except his students succeed in learning science that has been given. Just unfortunately, Drona still adhered to the system of favoritism to his students and also provide excessive affection to their children. Hopefully this Drona figures can give inspiration to us all.
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