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Ghatotkacha The Giant Warrior

Ghatotkacha The Giant Warrior. In the Mahabharata, Ghatotkacha was told that the son of Bhima who married Hidimbi or commonly known as Arimbi. Ghatotkacha is a knight who does not work with a variety of weapons. In the Java version, Ghatotkacha immunity against weapons because when he put the baby in the crater Candradimuka.

Ghatotkacha figure in the Java version is described as someone who could flyGhatotkacha figures between the Indian version and the version of Java is both a knight of the giant nation. In war Bharatayudha, Ghatotkacha who became general of the Pandava war, managed to take a lot of casualties of soldiers Kauravas and create confusion Kauravas. Finally, Karna who has managed to make a weapon Konta Ghatotkacha died. Ghatotkacha Bharatayudha fall on the battlefield as warriors who are willing to sacrifice for the glory of the Pandavas.

Regardless of courage Ghatotkacha figures, there are properties that can be drawn from these figures. Physical appearance and the home environment does not reflect Ghatotkacha good attitude. Nanun, Ghatotkacha give lessons as a warrior nation that he rakasasa also has a character value that can be emulated. Hopefully a little review of Ghatotkacha which is knight this giant nation can provide lessons for us all.
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