It Turns Smoking That Makes Smart – Cover the World. It can not be denied that cigarettes can be considered as consumption
is considered mandatory for some circles. Moreover, in Indonesia, I highlighted
the phenomenon of Indonesian intelligence smokers. Why smart? Benefits of smoking there was also compared these are discussed only during the
negative effects of the dangers of smoking. What can be seen from the
smoker and then can be said to be intelligent?
In each pack of cigarettes already explained how the dangers posed by cigarettes. Moreover, currently available cigarettes with pictures of people who smoke is harmful to children. How is not smart, it's been told that cigarettes are dangerous still sucked. Surprisingly, the body of the smoker it does nothing. Pain? Not. Indeed smokers was incredible. He knows how to extend his life. Like a cell phone, cigarettes can be considered as powerbank ready to return to fill the power of the mobile phone.
This paper is merely an expression of the author of that little act upset the smokers who do not know themselves. Smoking is making a comeback of the smokers. Intelligent in the sense of loving her body, loving family, and respect for others. In addition, the benefits of most cigarettes is good as a means to meet the Lord. Thank you.
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